If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight, you know how frustrating it can be. And sometimes, it’s much more than being annoyed you can’t shed those few extra pounds. An attempt to lose weight can turn into what seems like a lifelong struggle to get to that “goal weight.”

Understanding Obesity as a Disease

It’s important to know that in 2013, the American Medical Association began classifying obesity as a disease – just like diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Much like these conditions, obesity can be a chronic problem that presents lifelong health risks and complications for its patients.

And just like other health problems, if you’re starting to feel powerless in your struggles with your weight, it’s time to accept help from your doctor. You wouldn’t attempt to manage diabetes without an insulin pump, and other medical advancements. So why do the same with your weight loss?

“I Feel Like I Can’t Lose Weight!”

Doctors are working to fully comprehend the impact of obesity, which is a largely misunderstood disease. A wide range of factors contribute to obesity, everything from lifestyle choices, sleeping patterns, and even socioeconomic challenges – like how nutritional food and fresh produce are less accessible in certain parts of the United States.

Many patients seeking weight loss solutions may be able to lose an initial 15, 20, or even 30 pounds, but feel like they hit a wall afterward. The science behind obesity says that our bodies work like thermostats, with a set point of calories they convert into fat. Because of this, we’re only able to lose 5-10% of our weight before the body intervenes – compensating by slowing down its metabolism or increasing body weight.

Certain weight loss programs can result in a frustrating cycle. Why would someone want to keep up with their exercise or diet when the weight comes back anyway? That’s where talking with a trained metabolic specialist can help.

Getting Help from a Weight Loss Specialist

Our weight loss team can help you determine which solutions are best for you based on your medical history and individual needs. Bariatric surgery is more than just “weight loss surgery.” These procedures alter the body’s metabolism, which is the extra piece most people struggling to lose weight are missing. 

Learn More About Weight Loss Solutions
at the Sisters Metabolic Center for Wellness
Call (716) 891-2703

Learn More About Weight Loss Solutions
at the Sisters Metabolic Center for Wellness
Call (716) 891-2703